D&T – Colour with Ben Craven


Colour is amazing. I remember the first time I saw a high definition TV, I was stood in front of it for ages blocking up the walkway in the John Lewis technology department. What I learnt from Ben Craven in his lecture about colour is that each and every one of us see colours differently.

I love this! I’ve wondered since I was pretty little, ‘Do I see what you see?’. This individuality makes so much sense for the old question of ‘Is this jumper navy blue or black?’ when you’re shopping with your mum. Turns out it could be both depending on the cells in your eye.

This lecture really inspired me and it has made me look at colours in a completely different way. Perhaps this contributes to the different attitudes we have with life, everyone literally sees things differently.

I have found some further reading into the science of colour. It gives some inside to how artist perceive colour. Link is below.

[stag_button url=”http://www.fastcodesign.com/3027740/evidence/the-fascinating-neuroscience-of-color” style=”light-blue” size=”small” type=”round” target=”_self”]The Fascinating Neuroscience Of Colour[/stag_button] [stag_button url=”http://bencraven.org.uk/” style=”light-blue” size=”small” type=”round” target=”_self”]Ben Craven’s Website[/stag_button]

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